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What is Camp Blessing all about?

Camp Blessing is Bible oriented. Campers participate in Bible study and worship, work crews, group and individual recreation, and lots of fun! Leadership is encouraged in the cabins, work crews, and in worship. Often skits or songs are prepared in small groups and presented during the evening services. Whether it’s work, personal relationships, recreation, or worship – everyone finds a place to experience Christianity. Camp Blessing is a place where people make lasting friendships.

What does Camp cost?

Camp Blessing is funded completely by donations. Camp is free to all teens and children under 18 years of age.

Who may attend camp?

All are welcome. Camp Blessing subscribes to the philosophy that no person shall be denied the privilege of attending Camp Blessing because of race, color, national origin, age or disability. We are all one in Christ Jesus.


An Experiment in Christian Living

Celebrating more than 60 years! 1963 to Today

Camp Blessing is a non-denominational, independent organization that strives to serve the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Originally started in 1963 as “an experiment in Christian living,” we seek to help all people who attend our camps to come to a better understanding of what it means to live as a follower of Christ.

Camp Blessing is run completely by volunteers, and is funded mainly by donations.  All full week camps are entirely free to attendees, with minimal fees only for retreats (and only for those 18 and older!).  Camp Blessing’s main camp facility is in Wausau, Wisconsin. We also organize retreats in various other locations around the country. To learn more about camp, visit our FAQ (frequently asked questions).